Saturday, September 19, 2009

weird creature in town

Wow. How long has it been since my last post? I can't believe I broke my promise to update my blogs as much as I can. This is soooo dead. anyhoo, This will be my first post for September on this blog since I am officially off from work. So if you do come once in awhile, expect some updates for days to come.

Is it just me or everybody has already known about this new monster that was discovered last year called the Montauk monster? You know, hoax or not but I'm a believer and a certified skeptic when it comes to weird stuff like these. The world has so much things that we still need to discover. I was reading on Yahoo yesterday about a "new" creature that was beaten to death by a bunch of teens. I did some readings over at I'm pretty sure there's a great explanation for creatures like these. This video's hilarious, though.