Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I logged on to Youtube this morning and checked out the song one less lonely girl by Justin Bieber, I really wanted to see what the hype was all about this young fella. At first I typed in Justin Beaver, no music results for that... So I searched again and got Justine Bieber. I was suprised to see he was white! I'm sooooo sorry, but every time I listened to his music on the air in the mornings driving to work I was picturing he was kinda like... lil Sammie. remember him? LOL I felt kinda awkward afterwards.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sick to the stomach

Whenever I get disgusting emails I don't eat meat for weeks. Just the thought of it makes me barf, I end up eating noodles, bread, crackers - everything as long as it's not meat, like pork and beef. I received a forwarded message from hubby's aunt and I had to search it on the net: look at THIS.

This will make me think twice whenever I go shopping for food at Wal-mart. eww... I'm not really fond of chinese food, either. (sigh) Because of this, I start to remember again that forwarded email someone had sent me long ago about babies being cooked in China. so shocking... (totally eww..) poor babies. :(

Monday, January 11, 2010

The current obsession meme

Stole this from Chikai

Instructions: Answer the Current Obsession category and then explain WHY you chose that response. Easy enough? Thanks as always for playing!

Book: Twilight. I just feel comfortable reading this great love story. Snack: Pan de ube. I love Ube! Restaurant: Osaka. I love their tempura shrimp. yum! Beverage: mango juice. Decor: Christmas decorations, because I love Christmas so much. Actor: Gerard Butler Actress: Sandra Bullock. Movie: Home alone. I can always feel Christmas whenever I watch it. TV show: Friends. I have a lot in mind but friends is just legendary. Hobby: Scrapbooking. I'm a very sentimental person. Band: all american rejects. Song: tie me down. Meme: Sunday Stealing! Blog: My blogs. Lover: Jon. Friend: Riezel. Quote: Time is gold. LOL Peeve: hubby bothering me while I'm on the computer. Sport: Tennis. Singer: hubby.

Monday, January 4, 2010

turning back time

I heard my co-workers talking about what ages they first got married. The other one mentioned she got married at 19, and if she ever knew what life she had ahead of her she wouldn't never had married and stayed as an old maid. I got married at 19, too but there are no regrets of whatsoever. I love how my life had turned out and if given the chance to turn back time I would still choose my life that I have right now. God has blessed me with a great husband and a loving child, not to mention my wonderful in-laws. I am very thankful... I may not be a College graduate, sexy, gifted or talented... but there's just a lot of things to be thankful for in our lives. Sometimes we need to stop and think about the positive stuff that God has bestowed upon us instead of looking for the negative ones. Just a thought.