Saturday, May 17, 2008

reality shows ... blehhh

What is up with reality shows these days? It's hard keeping up with these kinds of shows, I'm starting to get sick of it. but sometimes I can't help but watch. BOO. ask yourself, can you help yourself? because somehow it's fun watching these celebrities get into all kinds of crap, it's like showing the world they ain't just about glitter and gold. what's so funny about it are the SIBLINGS who follow the footsteps of dear big sister or dear big brother. Now, it's Lindsay's mom and lil sister Ali. Living Lohan Reality Show. I hope she doesn't get into rehab like her sister Lindsay. Look at what happened with other famous celebs as well as their siblings because of too much attention. I don't know. fame can sometimes kill you. It's like a drug. Well, I can't wait to see the new show, see what it's like.

I enjoy all kinds of reality shows like survivor, you know anything that has sense. I hate watching all kinds of reality shows that involves teeny whiney brats screaming at their parents to buy them whatever they want, so freakin' messed up those kids should be taught a lesson or two. I guess it's because of the parent's, too who doesn't lead by a good example of being great parents. I really don't see how they can live by themselves when mommy and daddy aren't there to shelve more money down their lil hands. pathetic.

but that's the wonder of reality shows. so there. just a piece of my mind.